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"And the LORD God made ... trees that were pleasing to the eye ..." Gen. 2:9, New International Version.

"Bonsai isn't just something I do; it's part of what I am." Remark to my wife and daughter.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hagedorn on Repotting: Well Worth Passing Along!

     I don't usually re-blog. I think you already know how to find the content you like, and that it's better to write my own and try to make it worthy of your time.

But this post by Michael Hagedorn of Cratageus Bonsai is just too good: solid, experience-based information and advice, and  well written, too. So click on the link below to benefit from some of what
Michael Hagedorn learned in his 2-1/2 years in Japan.

I take exception to what Michael has to say in just one area, and it's an area in which, I believe, he claims no experience. Tropical trees, in general, can stand more trauma than temperate-zone trees can, so -- again, in general -- the boundaries are wider. For example, I regularly bare-root my Ficus and they do just fine. But when it comes to temperate-native trees -- listen up!

This picture is borrowed directly from Cratageus Bonsai. I didn't find anything about copyright, so trust I'm not violating intellectual-property rights.

Yes, I wish I'd thought of a picture like this myself! -- SM

:-)  :-)  :-)

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